Jan 31, 2023
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Smart Lockers

Columat Smart Lockers: how does a delivery driver use them?

A few days ago we had the pleasure of conducting a short interview with an Amazon delivery driver who has delivered packages to pickup points several times. We are going to ask him a few questions to tell us about his experience with Smart Lockers and give us his point of view about them.

The first time you delivered a package to a collection point, what did you think of the process? Did you find it easy?

The first time I had to deliver packages in a Smart Locker, I went with a colleague who showed me how to do it, although it is not very difficult to understand. I was very surprised by the service itself and I thought it was a very big step forward. I did find it easy, but if you don't understand the procedure, if they explain it to you once it is enough to understand how it works.

Which sector have you delivered the most with smart collection points?

I can't tell you which sector has implemented more solutions like this, what is noticeable is that there are more and more collection points set up in different sectors. Personally, I believe that they are the future and that, when people incorporate them into their routine, they will succeed and there will be many more.

Do you think this is useful?

I think it is very useful, both for the delivery person and the customer. The delivery person does not have to worry about whether the customer will be at home or not, nor does he have to make extra trips in case he has not been able to make the delivery. On the customer's side, I think it is very convenient not having to worry about when the order arrives and not having to spend a whole afternoon at home waiting for the delivery person to arrive with the package. In general, and speaking on behalf of all the delivery drivers, I wish more solutions like this one were implemented because it is a very big step forward and offers a brutal improvement in service.

Does delivery become much more cumbersome / difficult for you if you don't have the Smart Lockers support? That is, if you make the delivery as it has always been done.

We are used to deliver in the traditional way, but it is true that with lockers it is much more comfortable to deliver all the packages at the same time without worrying about the customer (if he will be at home, if he will be able to open the door to deliver it...).

In your experience, can you think of any sector that has not implemented lockers yet and you think it would be a good idea?

We always talk to our colleagues about how perfect it would be to have Smart Lockers at the entrances of all the blocks of apartments, since obviously due to work or personal reasons there are many customers who are not at home when the package is delivered. In addition, there are many customers who have no relationship with their neighbors and, therefore, can not leave the package to anyone, and you have to come back another day to make the delivery spending time and gasoline that would not have had to be spent if there had been a collection point.

To conclude the interview, do you remember if you have ever delivered a package in a Columat Smart Locker?

Yes, considering that we spend the day upstairs and downstairs delivering, it is not difficult that I have come across some of them. By the way, I wanted to congratulate you because they are very intuitive and easy to use. If lockers already bring convenience, finding one that makes package delivery so easy is a pleasure.

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