Feb 22, 2022

Click and collect

Click and collect: 2 major Spanish retailers that bet on this innovative solution

Click and collect: the new solution to the logistics problem. Inditex and PcComponentes have been pioneers in this, and have had in mind how to make their customers live a better experience with the brand.

Following an analysis of what today's consumers want, Spanish fashion retailer Zara and technology retailer PcComponentes,decided to include in their last-mile logistics strategies the implementation of Click & Collect points in their stores.

These automated collection points are becoming more and more common to find in different retail or public spaces. Click & Collect is becoming an indispensable trend in the omnichannel strategy of the retail sector, which is looking for new ways to approach last mile logistics in a more convenient way for its customers.

Many establishments have had to rethink their usual distribution channels and look for more sustainable alternatives, both economically and environmentally. The management of deliveries and pickups through traditional distribution channels has begun to wear out because:

  • If we opt for home delivery: in addition to losing the opportunity to interact with the customer, retailers lose the possibility of increasing the cross-selling that comes with a store visit. To this type of logistic distribution we must add the logistic costs of home delivery.

The 49% of online consumers who pick up their orders in store end up buying other products.

  • In-store (counter) collection: generates space saturation, increasing queues at the cash register and interrupting normal store operations, where employees are saturated and other customers may be left unattended.

Reasons for choosing automated deliveries

  • Improved user experience: convenience, security and speed.

Consumers choose where and when to pick up their orders for their own convenience, when it suits them best, adapting to their schedules. In addition, these automated points serve as a return point which is streamlined.

  • Cost reduction in logistics.

Home deliveries entail high logistics costs: upstream handling, transport and failed delivery attempts. With automated pickups using Smart Lockers, the costs associated with last-mile logistics are potentially reduced.

  • CO2 emissions: more sustainable cities

Click & Collect via Lockers is the most sustainable last-mile logistics option to date: it reduces the number of trips for logistics operators and promotes urban sustainability.

Zara and PcComponents' automated Click & Collect points

Zara took the first step towards automating its deliveries using Click & Collect Lockers at its Madrid store in C/ Serrano. The system implemented allows the collection of up to 1,400 packages, which we can imagine has led to a considerable reduction in internal costs and an operational improvement within the store.

Pc Componentes implemented the automation of deliveries and returns in its Xperience Center in Barcelona, a technological space where innovation is present in every corner.

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